Monday, October 24, 2011

estados unidos o méxico?

yup, sometimes it feels like i'm actually living in mexico. not california.
southern california is pretty a lot like mexico (but hm i haven't been there, so can't really compare it but...) .
the people, the language (of course there are english as primary language but lots of spanish spanish), the food and so on.
every day on my way to internship, i'm driving in bus + trolley that is often filled with hispanic people. i remmy when back in gallaudet, i would be in bus from h street that is filled with black people. and in copenhagen, it would be often white plus muslim people.
i really enjoy this experience. so different. good experience.
there are lots of mexican fast food shops here in southern california. and hey, i'm not big fan of mexican food. lol. damn.

and hey, there are lots of homeless people in sd too. every time i go downtown, i see a homeless here and there. such a big difference than in copenhagen.
there are also many weird or strange people. u can see they're on drugs. hey, cali has medical marihuana now. means it's not against law.

copenhagen is pretty CLEAN, beautiful, fantastic public transport etc. it's huge contrast to here. but ofc san diego has its beautifulness too. the beaches, balboa park etc.

big different between sd and cph?
well, here u can buy converse all stars for 45 dollars. ha! that means umm 240 KRONER! imagiiiiiiine. heh.
food is cheap. most of all is cheap. but beware. too much cheapness means too much spending and that means no cheap at all. just saying.

whatever, me finish bsbsbiiiing.


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