Wednesday, November 16, 2011

behind the wheel.

from 25th december till 6th january, i'm off on road trip through the cali coast up north and having a coke somewhere in fisherman wharf and back south to hollywoodland for fireworks and offies to nevada for some casino moolah times in las vegas, baby then it's time for standing on the edge of grand canyon before delivering the car back in hollywoodland and having a blast on my own till 15th january where i'm going to head to the city of lovers, paris for a moment....then i can say hi wonderful copenhagen.

sweet little girls
i prefer you behind the wheel
and me a passenger

i'm yours to keep
do what you want"

- behind the wheel, depeche mode.

i'm happy i don't have a drivers license so i can just chill, listening to music, watching the road, sunshine, mountains, people, whatever else on the road trip in the backseat while u two control the car. lol.


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